
Some publications where WindRose PRO3 was used.

Effects of wind patterns and changing wind velocities on aeolian drift potential along the Lake Michigan shore Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2021.

Climatic Analysis of Wind Patterns to Enhance Sailors Performance during Races Climate, 2021.

Predicting intraurban airborne PM1.0-trace elements in a port city: Land use regression by ordinary least squares and a machine learning algorithm Science of The Total Environment, 2021.

Formulation of the Lagrangian particle model LAPMOD and its evaluation against Kincaid SF6 and SO2 datasets Atmospheric Environment, 2017.

Energy production potential and economic viability of grid-connected wind/PV systems at Saudi Arabian coastal areas Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2017.

Seasonal geomorphic processes and rates of sand movement at Mount Baldy dune in Indiana, USA Aeolian Research, 2016.

Effectiveness of Emission Controls to Reduce the Atmospheric Concentrations of Mercury Environtal Science and Technology, 2015.

Accounting for spatial effects in land use regression for urban air pollution modeling Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 2015, 14-15, 9–21.

Implementation of Dynamic Line Rating in a Sub-Transmission System for Wind Power Integration Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 2015, 6, 233-249.

Dune deformation in a multidirectional wind regime: White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2015

Development of Land-Use Regression Models for Metals Associated with Airborne Particulate Matter in a North American City. Atmospheric Environment 2015

Analysis of Wind Data for Sports Performance Design: A Case Study for Sailing Sports. Sports 2014, 2, 99-130

Size-resolved dust and aerosol contaminants associated with copper and lead smelting emissions: Implications for emission management and human health. Science of the Total Environment 493 (2014) 750-756

Use of lead isotopes to identify sources of metal and metalloid contaminants in atmospheric aerosol from mining operations. Chemosphere. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.11.057 (2014)

Analysis of wind data for airport runway design. Journal of Airlane and Airport Management. Vol. 4, N. 2, pp. 97-116 (2014)

Wind Power Reassessed: A review of the UK wind resource for electricity generation. Capell Aris. Adam Smith Institute/Scientific Alliance Publication (2014)

Runway design and structural design of an airfield pavement. Sundeep Chowdary Daggubati et al. (2014) IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 10-27

Source apportionment of fine particles in Kuwait City. Science of The Total Environment.

Estimation of horizontal pollution potential by calculating impact area for Patiala, Punjab using wind data. A. Gupta and A. Dhir, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013

The optimum airport runway orientation for different regions in Egypt. M. A. El-Sayed et al. (2011) Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 2126-2139

Wind-wave interactions in enclosed basins: the impact on the sport of rowing. Physics of Sports, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 3-6 April 2012.

Meteorological analysis for the Europan rowing championships (Presentation in Italian). A. Pezzoli – L.R. MeteoSport . U.O. Psycosport – Centro Ricerche Scienze Motorie – S.U.I.S.M. – Università di Torino. September 2012.

Environmental Impact Statement. Santa Isabel Island. Chapter 4: Environmental values and management of impacts. Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (2012)

The Weather Observer’s Handbook. Stephen Burt. Cambridge University Press. 456 pages.

High Performance Building. Vidar Lerum. Wiley. 304 pages.

Dynamic line rating implementation as an approach to handle wind power integration. A feasibility analysis in a sub-transmission system owned by Fortum Distribution AB. S. Talpur (2013) Master Thesis. The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm.

GIS aided prediction of CO2 emission dispersion from geothermal electricity production. A. Yousefi-Sahzabi et al. (2011) Journal of cleaner production.

Investigation in selecting the optimum airport runway orientation with special reference to Egyptian airports. M. A. El-Sayed et al. (2011) Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Vol. 39, No 6, pp. 1261-1280

Analysis of Local Spread of Equine Influenza in the Park Ridge Region of Queensland. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

GIS mapping of cattle market service areas using the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS). Australian Biosecurity CRC for Emerging Infectious Disease

GIS-based site potential analysis for small-scale wind power plants. Bachelor Thesis.

An Initial Investigation on Microclimatic Environment in High Density City — Spot Field Measurement Study in Hong Kong. The seventh International Conference on Urban Climate, 29 June – 3 July 2009, Yokohama, Japan

Metal and Metalloid Contaminants in Atmospheric Aerosols from Mining Operations. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

Distribution of submerged macrophytes along environmental gradients in large, shallow Lake Balaton (Hungary). Aquatic Botany.

Trace elements in daily collected aerosol: Level characterization and source identification in a four-year study. Atmospheric Research

Three-year assessment of particulate organic carbon fluxes in Amundsen Gulf (Beaufort Sea): Satellite observations and sediment trap measurements. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.

Pollen-Mediated Gene Flow from Kentucky Bluegrass under Cultivated Field Conditions. Crop Science.

On saleyards and surveillance – using livestock movement records for risk-based surveillance planning. P. A. Durr et al. (2009), Proceedings of the XIIth International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology & Economics, Durban, South Africa, 10-14 August, 2009.

PM10 dispersion during air pollution episode in Saraburi, Thailand. S. Pimonsree et al. (2008), 12th International Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management.